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Convert Method

Converts the current diagram to a different diagram.


expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.

Type   Required MsoDiagramType. The type of diagram to convert to.


This example adds a radial diagram to the active worksheet and then converts it to a target diagram.

Sub ConvertDiagram()

    Dim wksSheet As Worksheet
    Dim shDiagram As Shape

    Set wksSheet = ActiveSheet
    Set shDiagram = wksSheet.Shapes.AddDiagram( _
        Type:=msoDiagramRadial, _
        Left:=20, Top:=40, _
        Width:=400, Height:=200)

    ' Fill the diagram to make it visible to the user
    shDiagram.Fill.Visible = msoTrue

    ' Convert the diagram.
    shDiagram.Diagram.Convert Type:=msoDiagramTarget

End Sub